If we could no longer use connect Bangladesh it would feel like going back to press releases by snail mail or fax.
sania sultana
PR communication
"Working with thousands of media and PR agencies in Bangladesh for over 10 years, connectbangladesh is focused on delivering simple and easy to use solutions that will improve the way agencies work and collaborate everyday. As the core of our business, supporting growth and technological innovation from small local agencies through to large global networks remains our top priority"
happy lady
Diana Red
Nulla cursus, enim et luctus hendre ritnisl libero molestie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quis ipsum. Aliquam bibendum, est a semper malesuada enim et luctus hendre ritnisl libero molestie lectus. Cras justo non justo venenatis element. Curabitur sed dui metus. Ut lobortis nisl at semper tellus tincidunt lorem ipsum dolor amet communitas.
Anna White
loyal client
Our stories resonate much better now that we have an even stronger grip on our contacts.
Mohammad Shahjalal
web designer
Journalists and bloggers compliment us that they love the fresh approach of connect Bangladesh
Making an ideal selfie
Stefan Sweet
happy client
Connect bangladesh ltd should be the standard of quality to make PR more tangible and effective. It's vital to get measurable results.
ridi haq
ridi haq
Freelance PR professional
Lorem ipsum nec magna fermentum in pharetra orci mollis sit amet odio eu amet mauris ornare dapibus. Morbi pellen tesque vehicula nisi. Nam enim felis apibus egetras consec tetur augue emassa auctort id glavico to amet molestie lorem pulvinar odio eulos amet mauris ornare dapibus.
Alex Violet
happy customer
Duis et aliquet mi. Morbi ac felis quis enim rhoncus venenatis. Praesent pellentesque a arcu ut eleifend. Nam ac velit quis ante varius placerat.
Alex Yellow